Monday, June 17, 2013

Well, I just realized that I hadn't posted to my blog for a while.  A lot going on, I started a new job working for Sedlak Chevrolet Buick in Minocqua.  I have been there for over a year now, and it seems to be going well.  When the kids start school I will have very nice hours, I can take them to school and pick them up.  I was trying to find a job where we could still have family time and work only while in school.  Unfortunately, summers are still an issue. 

Still going to school, I have earned my Accounting Certificate.  Still working towards that Associates Degree.  It will probably take a while, I can only take two classes at a time with my financing. 

The kids are doing well.  I am nervous about Garrett, he has lost his waiver and can no longer receive therapy from Innovative Counseling.  I tried my best to keep the therapy going through the insurance, but it just does not cover Autism.  I am really hoping that Garrett can continue to do well, and excel in Kindergarten.  I am hoping that with everything I have learned I can help him achieve that.  Jaylee, is going into second grade.  I cannot believe that she is going into second grade.  I look at her and still see that little baby girl looking at me so brightly.  Time is marching by, and it just seems to be moving way to fast. 

Monday, January 23, 2012

Going back to school.

Well, I worked in bookeeping and accounting for almost 12 years, I really loved doing that kind of work.  What I should have done while I worked there was go back to school, but of course I didn't.  I am now getting things together to go back to school for accounting.  I am so excited about it and scared.  I am so scared that I will fail at it, as its been so long for me to be in school.  I am excited because I will be able to get a job I love, and show Jaylee how important it is to get an education.  I am hoping to start on February 6th, 2012. 

On another note, I had Parent/Teacher conferences for Jaylee.  Things are going good for her in school, being told how smart she is.  She also has been getting a little better at respecting others and following directions.  I am so proud of my little girl, she is one of the most wonderful people I know.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Garrett is now 4

I am sitting here in the living room on his birthday while he is at school.  Really feeling happy and sad, happy because he is growing and healthy.  Sad because I know he is my last baby I will have.  I love having a baby to cuddle and hold, missing that stage in my life.  I now have new stages to indure which I know will be fun yet challenging.  I now have both children in school, granted my "baby" is in preschool, but they both go to school.  He is just starting to read small sight words, and is so sweet and wonderful.  Both of my kids are very sweet caring and wonderful people, I am so proud to call them my children.   They have taught me so much, more than I ever thought a child could ever teach me.  I have learned patience, understanding and how much a person can love another.  Garrett Jon Weyhrauch, you are my "baby" and  I am proud of the person you are becoming.  Happy Birthday, and I love you so much.

Monday, November 7, 2011

"Poor China"

Today was parent/teacher conferences at school, and Grandma came to watch the kids in the gym while Jon and I went to discuss the kids' progress.  While Grandma was watching them, she told them that if they were good she would give them a dollar to spend at the dollar store.  Well, it turned out they were good for her so she gave each of them a dollar.  We then went grocery shopping first and afterwards we went to the Dollar Tree where Jaylee and Garrett each had a great time picking out there cherished prizes.  As we were leaving the store and getting in the car Jaylee was reading her package.  I was putting her in the carseat when she says " Poor China!  They have to make everything!  Why can't the US make something?"  I never thought she was even noticing where the merchandise was made.  I just chuckled at my little girl.  She sure is a smart and lovely little girl, and I am so lucky to have her in my life.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

My three year old plugged the toilet.

Garrett isn't going to like the fact that I am blogging about this story..........but, can't be helped.  The poor kid won't eat anything that will help soften the stools, so when he goes it is very hard.  Yesterday (10/03/11) he had to go, of course I had to help it along as usual.  I finially am able to get him to go and it is very very hard and painful for my little man.  I then proceed to tell him not to flush the toilet because it will probably plug up with how hard it was.  He gets very upset and wants to flush, after a few minutes of the crying and yelling over flushing I say fine flush it.  What do you think happened????  Of course the toilet got plugged up, I tried all night and in the morning plunging the toilet and nothing worked.  I was so frustrated and about ready to call a plumber when I came home after grocery shopping and thought I would give it a try.  Well, finially after working hard to plunge it, it finially went and now it is working again.  Poor guy, I wish he would eat food that helps give him softer bowel movements.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

My smart and witty girl

My Jaylee, well, all I can say is " Jaylee is Jaylee"  The other day she was playing with my scentsy pot, (which is a ceramic wax melter that lets off a nice scent) and  I said "Jaylee please stop playing with Mommy's things."  She then said something that I can not remember but I ended up asking "Does it have your name on it?"  With out a beat or hesitation she says " Well, it doesn't have your name on it either."  I was so surprised on how smart and quick this little girl of mine is.  I laughed and just ended up saying her name.  I often wonder how much trouble I am going to be in when she is in her teen years, I am so proud of my little girl.  That fact that she knows what she wants and does whatever to get it, well that's going to take her places.  But, for now it is very challenging. 

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Beginning the blog......

As many of you know, I am not the most witty.  But, I have been thinking about all the wonderful and funny experiences I have had raising my children, I am trying to remember them.  I am now deciding to write a blog in hopes my kids will read someday and laugh, cry, reflect, and love reading about the things they did.  Today is the day I created the blog, so it is real generic for now.  Once I get more comfortable I am hoping I can make it beautiful.