Monday, January 23, 2012

Going back to school.

Well, I worked in bookeeping and accounting for almost 12 years, I really loved doing that kind of work.  What I should have done while I worked there was go back to school, but of course I didn't.  I am now getting things together to go back to school for accounting.  I am so excited about it and scared.  I am so scared that I will fail at it, as its been so long for me to be in school.  I am excited because I will be able to get a job I love, and show Jaylee how important it is to get an education.  I am hoping to start on February 6th, 2012. 

On another note, I had Parent/Teacher conferences for Jaylee.  Things are going good for her in school, being told how smart she is.  She also has been getting a little better at respecting others and following directions.  I am so proud of my little girl, she is one of the most wonderful people I know.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I just had a quick question in regards to your website. If you could email me at your convenience that would be great!
